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6 Types of Quant - Mark Joshi


In "On Becoming A Quant" by Mark Joshi, he mentioned six types of quants ( (1) Front office/desk quant (2) Model validating quant (3) Research quant
(4) Quant developer (5) Statistical arbitrage quant (6) Capital quant). However, Google (i.e., QuantStart) divides Quant into (1) Quant Trader (2) Quant Developer (3) Quant Researcher.

How are these two lists different?
Speaking very roughly (categorizations such as this do not necessarily make sense in today's world where everyone calls themselves a quant), the first list is applicable to the sell side, the latter to the buy side. I believe Joshi's entire career was spent in the former.
Speaking very roughly (categorizations such as this do not necessarily make sense in today's world where everyone calls themselves a quant), the first list is applicable to the sell side, the latter to the buy side. I believe Joshi's entire career was spent in the former.
Mark Joshi passed away a while back
