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applied math or IEOR as undergraduate for MFE?

Hi! Actually I am high school junior who is really interested in financial engineering.
I like math, stat as well as finance.
To suceed in MFE programs, which undergraduate major is better (for preparing MFE admission and becoming a "quant")? Applied math major(maybe statistics double major?) or IEOR(FE concentration) at columbia?
I checked the columbia's IEOR (FE concentration) and thought that they don't deeply learn math related fields....I want to learn more and deeply about math and stat. If I stick with applied math major in college(probably two years later), I will take some finance classes for the MFE requirements.

<undergrad>Applied math or IEOR(fe concentration) for MFE?

And...what is difference bw MFE and MSFE? UC Berkely's FE program is in business dep, while Columbia's FE program is in IEOR dep. Does this difference actually matter when facing job placement or something else???