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Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Information Session - September 29, 2015


Baruch MFE Director
A Baruch MFE Information Session with emphasis on the Pre-MFE seminars beginning in October 2015, will take place on Tuesday, September 29, at 6pm.

Current students and alumni of the program, some of whom are former Pre-MFE students, and the director of the program will answer questions and provide further information on the Baruch MFE Program and on the Pre-MFE seminars.

Registration to this information session is limited to 30 people.

Date: Tuesday, September 29, at 6pm.
Location: Room 14-280, 8th Floor, Newman Vertical Campus
55 Lexington Avenue (on the corner of Lexington Avenue and 24th Street)

Information Session for Baruch MFE

Baruch MFE website:
Baruch MFE - Master of Financial Engineering Program

Pre-MFE Program:
The Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College - Baruch MFE Program