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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Hi guys, I was an applicant for MFE programs during the 2023 fall. And I was lucky to be admitted by Master of Financial Economics at Columbia Business School and MFin program at MIT Sloan. And I'm choosing between these two schools as I heard some one telling that MIT Sloan does not have as many alumni in finance or banking as CBS does. So I'm wondering if anyone can offer some suggestions for the program selection. Thank you so much for the advice!
Can't go wrong with either. I would say the CBS curriculum has a slight edge if you're going for pure quant roles. CBS is also right in NYC which can be an advantage. All depends on what you're going after (career goals, city preference, etc. )
A key difference is that the MIT Mfin will have more students interested in Corporate Finance than the Columbia MFE. These students may be interested in careers in the financial arm of non financial corporations. They will not end up in banks or asset management companies. A number of the courses are high level Corp. Fin. courses.
Sloan is a MSc in Finance not in Financial Engineering. Corp. Fin. courses are rare to non existent in most MFE or Math. Fin programs. That said, obviously both places will have stellar faculty teaching you and you will have great class mates. Deciding how deeply engineering based you want your finance should be a key to your decision.