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Changing Excel Cells using a XLL (created with C++ / XLW)

Hi everyone,

I guess some of you have worked with user-defined functions (UDFs) in Excel using your own Addin. I am currently working with XLW, which is a wrapper that simplifies creating Addins (*.xll) with Visual C++.

Imagine the following C++ sample code, which increments the first parameter and then returns a sum.
double sumOfTwo(double &arg1, double &arg2)
arg1++; // increment arg1 for some reason
return arg1+arg2;

With an .xll (or .dll respectively) I can now call this function in an Excel cell, e.g. "=sumOfTwo(A1;A2)"
The cell with the formula displays the correct sum, but the value in A1 is not incremented. Do you have an idea how to make a correct By-Reference call from Excel to C++ / XLW ?
I'm basically looking for a way to manipulate a cell, which is used as function parameter.

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Excel functions (via xll or even vba) are not mean't to modify/delete/insert cell references. These tasks are mean't to be handled through excel macros. There are work arounds to make a function do these but they are not recommended at all.
There must a way to define a macro in XLW. Email their forum-group and someone will help you out.
