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Choosing a Math heavy quant course

Should I choose a MATH heavy quant course like ones offered by COLUMBIA MATHEMATICS department or RUTGERS MATHEMATICS Department, or a course having equal weightage between math, finance, and offered together by business school and math department collaboration, considering the fact that I am pursuing the degree due to my interest in Mathematics. What will be the pros and cons in both the cases.
The finance component is less important that you think. Pick a Math heavy one, but watch out because it can get bad. I think a Finance balanced one could waste your time/units with things like accounting/corporate finance - which are kind of useless. Especially if you've seen some of the the concepts before.

As mentioned above, $ is nice too. A program that nearly hand-holds you into a top job will feel better to most than one that gives you a proper math background, and has no job placement help. If you aren't a introvert who can't write a resume can't network can't interview properly and can't well-present himself, then go for the math rigor. :P