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Coding help

Hello! I am an undergrad student, I come from a pure math background and I have been aiming on improving my coding skills, I do know some Python but I need to improve a lot more. From your experience, what would you suggest to someone in this situation (books, websites or other sources that you may have found useful)
Thanks in advance!
In terms of books, in addition to what @bobsmith mentioned, I would also say some of the Python books by Yves Hilpisch: Books – The Python Quants. You should also be able to find some of them online for free...

But honestly, to get good at any programming language, I think the most important thing is to actually code and build something, not just read books. I know many of my computer science friends actually got good at coding through fun, challenging projects such as building a game. For that reason, I'd recommend the Python course on here. I've taken it with existing knowledge of Python and I still found it useful. It teaches things like OOP for Python, which I haven't seen much of in even top MFE programs.
My personal favorite
This is a cookbook on how to use certain Python libraries. yes? Personally. I use the reference manual.
Actually, many Python books are like this: 50% output data (just look at page 352-353 of McKinney, unused space), 30% plots, 15% methods and function summary, 0.1% maths, 0% software design. The book could be reduces to 100 pages with same content.

It will not teach you 'coding' - whatever that's suppose to mean - (I prefer the word 'programming' which is an acquired skill) style but maybe that is not the objective.
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Hello! I am an undergrad student, I come from a pure math background and I have been aiming on improving my coding skills, I do know some Python but I need to improve a lot more. From your experience, what would you suggest to someone in this situation (books, websites or other sources that you may have found useful)
Thanks in advance!
The best way to learn proper programming is QN C++ course. It's got 30 years of industrial (not uni) OOP and software know-how built into it.