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Fall 2024, Application Cycles

Hello, and thanks in advance for reading.

After sitting on the fence for a while between pursuing medicine or quant finance, I've made the firm choice to pursue a career in quant. I fell into the sunk cost fallacy of the pre-med 'rat race' and I'm more than happy to start from nothing towards something I'm genuinely passionate about. Missed the Fall 2023 application cycle and would like to prepare for Fall 2024.

When would applications open? Are admissions rolling?

Do non-traditional candidates even have a chance?
Most applications for fall 2023 are still open

It depends what you mean by non-traditional. Whatever your background you still need to meet the quantitative pre-reqs and be able to explain your interest on quant finance and career path after.
Do non-traditional candidates even have a chance?
Non-traditional applicants are usually encouraged, assuming they met all pre-requisites. I met applicants who came from medical, law and they all did well in the program. They bring diverse backgrounds and fresh perspectives.
Get all your ducks in a row and there are plenty of time for you to make up for this.