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Financial Time Series in R

Hello guys,

I am looking for a good book devoted to financial time series in R with a lot of examples so my question is what is the best one you have read ? I have a mathematical background and I also had a course devoted to time series during my studies but it was mainly devoted to some theoretical aspects. Now I look for a book with a strong emphasis on a practical part and which uses real data. I am especially interested in heteroscedasticity models like ARCH and GARCH but also in ARIMA models.

Could you guys recommend me something ? :) I was thinking about that https://www.amazon.com/Time-Analysis-Applications-Springer-Statistics/dp/0387759581 but I am not sure if it is the best choice.
I generally like these books: 5 Top Books on Time Series Forecasting With R. Im also a big fan of Rob J hyndman's book @ Forecasting: Principles and Practice. But I think these might be too basic for you.

Check out
Advances in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Rojas. It doesn't really have any R code but its pretty advanced.

Look into state space models and Neural Network as those would be next level stuff after Garch and ARIMA. ARIMA i believe is a basic state space model.
I've the second edition of Shumway's book. In my opinion, it's a nice blend of math and R code. R code and graphic illustrations are intuitive. Math formulas are rigorous. Together, they makes the exposition very clear.

btw: the e-version of the book is so nice, hyperlinks help to refer to other pages quickly.
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