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How to get an internship?



I am an undergraduate at University of Toronto finishing my freshman yr, really interested in financial math and quant analysis.
I want to get some kind of an internship in the finance field next summer, and I have about 6-8 months to learn some programming and other skills before I will start applying.
I was wondering what would be the best way to use this time.

1. I know Java and a bit of Excel, so would learning Excel VBA, SQL, C++, C be a good idea? Is there any other languages/software I should start familiarizing myself with?
2. Which other technical skills are important for this level of internships?
3. The other problem is I have no work experience, so is it reasonable to work in a weak retail job this summer (eg selling tickets) or should I instead just focus on learning the languages and maybe more Mathematics and Finance?
4. On the plus side, I have a high GPA and have done very well on math competitions, how do employers value these two things?

Thank you.