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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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I'd love any advice you may have on Baruch's undergrad math major

Baruch has a concentration within its undergraduate mathematics major called "mathematics of finance" which, according to Dr. Stefanica himself in a 2006 The Ticker article, will prepare one above and beyond what they need to enter the MFE program.

I was wondering...

1. Is there anyone here who has had any experience with this undergraduate track? If so, I'd love to hear about it.

2. Surely this concentration of courses will help one attain the technical proficiency required for the program, but what else should I be focusing on during my undergraduate years in order to ensure I maximize my chances of acceptance?

I thank you in advance for any advice, insights or admonitions you may care toss my way. :)


I take every point to heart. Thank you.

I just contacted Christian via private message, and I am hunting down the WetFeet guidebook to networking, which you recommend elsewhere.

As far as programming goes, would you personally recommend any particular C++ book for beginners?

If there are any other people currently taking this undergrad route, do share.

Joey, Iosakwe, VladimirBunicu are undergrad at Baruch. You can talk to them and see what courses they took.
(Note to self: I need to do a better job advertising the MFE program to Baruch undergrads. Haven't got time to work on a master plan yet :)

As for C++, I had good experience with Walter Salvitch book. Anyone in the Master thread of book is fine (link in my sig).

You can read those on 24x7 Baruch library for free as well. Try to read a few and then get the books you are comfortable with.

I'm going through a bunch of C# books and I don't think there is any complete book. Most of them have several good chapters and I have to read many to find what i need.