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Need Advice

Can one enter into Investment Banking after MS in Financial Engineering? Don't want to follow the traditional MBA path.
Why learn stochastic calculus and c++ to work a job that any basic undergrad could do. You’d be wasting thousands of dollars as well and be working tougher hours. You could work under the IB division as a strat, but no point making pitch books after the knowledge you gain from a fe degree.
Thanks for the reply.
What should be my career path if I want to enter IB? MBA degree is the only choice?
Get an MFIN degree at MIT, has quite a few kids (about 1/3rd) who go into banking/consulting. Do a master's in finance, not FE- many schools offer MFin degrees which should be what you're looking for.
MBA is your best option because of the recruiting pipeline. I know two people that got into IB through FE, but I think it was luck and networking mainly
IB pipeline is strictly undergrad or MBA. They 99.99% of the time do not recruit out of pipeline. I wouldn't do MFIN for IB, unless you carry a brand like MIT, and even then you are competing with their undergrads.

Save your money for a targeted MBA.