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Need some advice on how to do my best in financial engineering PhD

Hi everyone!

I've been admitted to a PhD program in financial engineering. It took me a year to prepare myself for the entrance examination and interview. During this period of time, many people helped me with their valuable advices. So, here I am again to ask all of you: "How can I do my best during the PhD program? Considering the fact that I have 2 years of experience in investment banking field and I want to further my career in the financial industry, not in the academia".

Thanks in advance!
Hi everyone!

I've been admitted to a PhD program in financial engineering. It took me a year to prepare myself for the entrance examination and interview. During this period of time, many people helped me with their valuable advices. So, here I am again to ask all of you: "How can I do my best during the PhD program? Considering the fact that I have 2 years of experience in investment banking field and I want to further my career in the financial industry, not in the academia".

Thanks in advance!
If you don’t mind where are you studying?