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Non-Profit Startup


Hey Guys,

I want to create a non-profit startup, that could help slow the spread of COVID, protect the most vulnerable, decrease the rate of mortality, and help those who are unemployed. For now I need:
1- Coders
2- A lawyer

I am not recruiting yet, however, I just want to know if there is anyone who is interest in working for a non-profit startup, that could play a small but positive roll in this pandemic. If you are interested, please smash the like button, mention someone who might be interested, or comment. Thanks!
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First, get rid of the lawyer. Second, read this report

3. Project leader to keep group 1 from spinning out of control 🤕
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1- Coders

PHP developers good enough? BTW the modern word is programmer or developer.

I would need 3-4 Quantnet/Baruch C++ developers. They would have it done before lunch.
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