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NYU Deposit

Does paying the deposit mean that I cannot accept other schools' offers? Or I can still choose another school (forfeiting the deposit)?
In another word, deposit means to reserve a spot or accept the offer?
Any thought will be appreciated!

What I found on the NYU website:
Officially accept your offer of admission and pay the graduate tuition deposit: Once signed into NYUHome, access NYUAlbert and click on “Applicants,” followed by “Application Status,” then “Admissions Offer.” Follow the online accept/decline process by following the instructions.
Note: All admitted students must officially accept their offer of admission, including doctoral candidates with fully-funded fellowships who do not need to pay the deposit.
You can definitely accept offers from other schools don't worry. You will be forfeiting your NYU deposit yes, but you can still choose to not enrol if you want to attend another school.