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Performance problem with .NET Interop

Hello guys

Im trying to make a system, in C# .NET, that distribute market data to Excel sheets using RTD function.
But Im having performance problems to fire events to RTD.

When i fire about 900 events per second, the processor usage go to 100%, and this is very strange

This the COM Interop Interface code:

public interface BovespaEvents
    void UpdateNotify(string strategyname, string symbolname, string fieldname, float fieldvalue);

This is the method that I use the COM Interop Interface:

public void UpdateEvent(DataObject sender)
        UpdateNotify(sender.strategy, sender.symbol, sender.field, sender.value);
    catch (Exception err)
        LogError("UpdateEvent", err.Message);
        if (err.InnerException != null)
            LogError("UpdateEvent", err.InnerException.Message);
And this is the DataObject class:

public class DataObject
    public string strategy;
    public string symbol;
    public string field;
    public float value;

And I make an VB6 to consume this events, it could be a RTD

Private Sub myInteropClient_UpdateNotify(ByVal strategyname As String, ByVal symbolname As String, ByVal fieldname As String, ByVal fieldvalue As Single)
' code here
End Sub
Im stuck in this performance problem. Does anybody already see this problem before ?

Thanks Guys