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Pre Application Courses

I will be applying to a few programs for Fall 2009. I have a strong Finance background, but lack the advanced math courses needed as a pre-requisite for many programs. I was wondering what classes I should be taking to make my application look stronger and where are they offered?

BTW, this site is awesome! It has been a big help, thanks.
The answer to your question comes in two parts:

1) Use the search feature - there are already several posts similar to yours

2) The answer you were looking for - all forms of Calculus, Linear Algebra (beyond eigen-values, eigen-vectors, and row reductions), Calculus-based Probability, Ordinary Differentials Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Real Analysis, and as much C++ as you can handle. That will be a good start, but there is always room for more - Stochastic Calculus, Stochastic Differential Equations, and Multivariate Statistics would helpful also.
Also, you should be able to take those courses at virtually any university/college.