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Problems with Installing Boost 1.55.0 and QuantLib 1.3 in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012


I was able to install the current version 1.55.0 of Boost library on the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 IDE but wasn't able to install QuantLib 1.3 (1.3 is the current version). The reason is that I don't understand step 7. in the installation list given above.

I downloaded QunatLib 1.3 in the directory
in my computer, and added the folder
to Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories,
and the folder
to Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Libraries Directories.

After all this, when I build QuantLib.sln solution I got 737 errors.
Here are the first few:

1> cpicoupon.cpp
1> cpicouponpricer.cpp
1> dynprogvppintrinsicvalueengine.cpp
1> fdextoujumpvanillaengine.cpp

1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\cashflows\cpicoupon.cpp)

1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\experimental\finitedifferences\dynprogvppintrinsicvalueengine.cpp)

1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\experimental1>------ Build started: Project: QuantLib, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------


1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\cashflows\cpicouponpricer.cpp)
1> fdklugeextouspreadengine.cpp
1> fdmblackscholesfwdop.cpp
1> fdmextendedornsteinuhlenbeckop.cpp
1> fdmextoujumpop.cpp

It is not clear for me what paths to use in step 7.
Those I gave above, or these


Also, it is not clear how many times to use these paths, in the picture it is shown to include twice.

I also tried the following paths (following the picture in step 7.)
and again got the same errors.

I would appreciate if anyone can help me with this problem.
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Hey there !

Definitely, includes are missing. The picture might be misleading, but each link has to be entered only once.

To get the right path, you have to find where are located the \boost and \lib directories. Assuming that you are seeing those two in C:\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0, you have to enter "C:\\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0;" for the include directory and "C:\\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0\lib;" for the lib directory


Hey there !

Definitely, includes are missing. The picture might be misleading, but each link has to be entered only once.

To get the right path, you have to find where are located the \boost and \lib directories. Assuming that you are seeing those two in C:\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0, you have to enter "C:\\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0;" for the include directory and "C:\\Users\vigen\Downloads\boost_1_55_0\lib;" for the lib directory

Hi Jean,
I have used exactly what you said and still when I build the QuantLib.sln solution it can not find the two header files boost/config.hpp and boost/test/unit_test.hpp.
I don't know if people were able to download and use the latest versions (QuantLib 1.3 and Boost 1.55.0) successfully.

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This is my current configuration.

You may try to move the boost file to C:\ for instance (and change the path in VS)Also, check if the boost/config.hpp actually exists.
Finally, try to compile some "Hello World !" project with #include <boost/config.hpp> in the header...
I tried and it does not work.
When search I found an empty boost folder in my programs folder. Could this be the problem? Does the linker looks for boost in some order?