• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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Profile Evaluation for MFE

Hi All!
Based on my profile, could you please tell me what chances I have of getting accepted in any of those ? If not, any school suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Top 10 Indian Engineering College,
BTech Chemical Engineering + Minor in Finance (8.5 CGPA)
GRE 322 (168Q, 154 V, 4.5 AWA)
FRM l1 and CFA l1
Relevant courses :

Math & Computer Science:
  • Calculus 1: 7/10
  • Probability & Statistics: 6/10
  • Calculus 2: 6/10
  • Linear Algebra: 6/10
  • Computer Programming: 6/10
  • Derivatives & Risk Management: 10/10
  • Financial Management : 9/10
  • Principles of Economics: 8/10
  • Security Analysis & Portfolio Management: 9/10
  • Accounting: 8/10
  • Financial Engineering: 8/10

Work Experience

  • Interned as a Risk Analyst - Market Risk division of a global investment bank - 6 months
Full Time:
  • Working as Risk Quant (2 years), and by Fall '23 will complete 3 years as a full-time employee.

I have an average score in almost all the pre-req courses, but have been trying to cover them up with certifications

Here's where I'm planning on applying. Again, let me know if this list is reasonable:
Berkeley MFE ( for spring '24 this one, will have ~ 3.5 years of work ex full time by then)
CMU MS Computational Finance
Columbia Financial Engineering
NYU Courant Mathematics in Finance
NYU Tandon Financial Engineering
Cornell Financial Engineering
UChicago MSFM
GA Tech MS Quant. and Comp. Finance.
UCLA Financial Engineering
I think your list looks somewhat reasonable. I feel like the less competitive programs on your list you should have no problem getting into. Your programming and math course grades might be your biggest weakness and could prevent you from getting into CMU, NYU, Berkeley.