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Profile Evaluation Required for MFE 2019

Hello all,

I'm an Indian. I did my UG in 2016. Presently working as an Analyst at a government organization. I'm planning to apply for MFE 2019.

Nationality: India
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Undergrad Degree: Information Technology (CGPA : 8/10).

GRE: Quant: 170/170, Verbal 155/170 (Total 325/340)
TOEFL: 114/120

Work Experience: Working as an Analyst (python programming in cloud computing department). Also, working as a Pro-Bono consultant at Statistics Without Borders (part-time)

Internship: 2 internships related to database management and analytics. 1 internship in Equity Research. 1 internship in financial market analytics.

Certifications: CFA level I candidate(Willing to sit for CFA level II before coming to states), Did many finance related courses on Coursera platform (all paid), BMC certification, HBX-Leading with Finance certification. Completed Machine Learning Nano Degree on Udacity.

Proficient in: SQL, C++, R, Python, Bloomberg Terminal, Excel(VBA), MATLAB, Machine Learning.

Volunteer: Work for an NGO that taught underprivileged school kids (for approx 4)also, work as a volunteer at SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (for approx 4 years)

Extracurriculars: Vice-president-PR at Toastmasters. Attended HPAIR-2016 as a delegate. Working as an online consultant for one of the UNICEF project.

What are the universities that I should be considering? Do I have chances of getting into top US universities for MFE program?

Also, since I have a year before I'm done applying for these programs, is there anything else that I can do to improve my chances at top programs?

Many Thank!
Columbia, UCB, Georgia Tech, Cornell, Uni. of Chicago, CMU and princeton.