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Profile Evaluation

Hi all, I am a year 3 undergraduate student considering about applying for MFE programs in the US next year. Appreciate for any help on how I can improve my profile and if it is competitive enough!
Nationality: Chinese
School: National University of Singapore, double major in Quantitative Finance and Statistics, minor in Computer Science, GPA 4.94 / 5.00
Internship Experience: quant analyst in a quant hedge fund in Singapore, mainly use python to build trading strategy; research and strategy analyst in an Asia leading traditional hedge fund, did up market research, database building, regression analysis etc; another quant trading intern before in a quant hedge fund in China, but not much hardcore work done as I was year 1 at that time; in this summer I will be working as a research assistant on credit market analysis.
major courses taken: data structure and algorithm, ML, stochastic calculus in mathematical finance (graduate course), ODE, game theory, time series analysis, linear and non linear programming, financial risk management, financial derivatives, financial modelling
plan to take GRE and toefl this summer;
other information: this summer I will be working with two professors one from NUS and the other one from MIT, they have agreed to provide recommendation letters for my application in MFE, as both of them studied in the top biz school in the US before.
Target: NYU MFE, mFinmath, Columbia MFE, mFinmath, MIT mfin, CMU computational Finance (can we choose the New York campus or it is decided by the uni?), Boston mFinmath
Many thanks for the help!
Just kill it on the GRE and make sure you can express yourself very well in english and you should be more than fine!

That's a great profile you have, you will have a good shot at any of the top 10 programs. Congrats!
Hi all, I am a year 3 undergraduate student considering about applying for MFE programs in the US next year. Appreciate for any help on how I can improve my profile and if it is competitive enough!
Nationality: Chinese
School: National University of Singapore, double major in Quantitative Finance and Statistics, minor in Computer Science, GPA 4.94 / 5.00
Internship Experience: quant analyst in a quant hedge fund in Singapore, mainly use python to build trading strategy; research and strategy analyst in an Asia leading traditional hedge fund, did up market research, database building, regression analysis etc; another quant trading intern before in a quant hedge fund in China, but not much hardcore work done as I was year 1 at that time; in this summer I will be working as a research assistant on credit market analysis.
major courses taken: data structure and algorithm, ML, stochastic calculus in mathematical finance (graduate course), ODE, game theory, time series analysis, linear and non linear programming, financial risk management, financial derivatives, financial modelling
plan to take GRE and toefl this summer;
other information: this summer I will be working with two professors one from NUS and the other one from MIT, they have agreed to provide recommendation letters for my application in MFE, as both of them studied in the top biz school in the US before.
Target: NYU MFE, mFinmath, Columbia MFE, mFinmath, MIT mfin, CMU computational Finance (can we choose the New York campus or it is decided by the uni?), Boston mFinmath
Many thanks for the help!
Great profile so far. I think you will be an ideal candidate for CMU (stats background). I read somewhere that you are given a choice regarding NY or Pittsburg campus when applying. But, I'm not sure if you will be allowed to change it after the application is submitted. You can confirm with the admissions team though.

You should also reach out to the alumni of the programs you are most interested in. It helps a lot!!
My advice:
- don't just apply everywhere, your potential targets will eventually reduce when you'll do more research about the program and get in touch with the alumni.
- make sure you have C++ in you toolkit before you apply, only Python will not provide you with any edge. Like @Baruch.MFE's director said, "Now-a-days, everyone knows Python."

Good luck!
For CMU when you apply you select your campus. So you are admitted to a specific campus. I am not sure if they are flexible in changing it after you are accepted but I would not worry about it.

One more thing, get some good letters of recommendation. Be assertive, and only send them if they are good or better.