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Quant Master Program Tracks


Lowly Undergrad
What are the main difference between these tracks?
Financial Markets and Corporate Finance
Computational Finance
Financial Information Services and Technology
The "tracks" included are pretty generic. From the formulation there are few similarities. I will relate them to "quant tracks" as name of the thread.

Financial Markets and Corporate Finance - Corporate Finance is a direction for MBA students. It will include overview of the markets and definition of some financial instruments. However it is outside scope of quantitative finance.

Computational Finance
- This is a synonym with quantitative finance, same as name of corresponding CMU program.

Financial Information Services and Technology - Information Technology is part of Computer Science. It is focused more on databases, software development. It does not cover a broad area like C.S. , however it can be very useful as a professional degree in Technology divisions for any institution.
Ok thanks. Computational Finance is definitely the "track" I would like to pursue.