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Quantnet Meet up?

Joy Pathak

Hey all, just curious if people were down to meet up ?

I will be DJing at a lounge in New York City.. East Village. http://maps.google.com/maps?um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=nightingale lounge&fb=1&gl=us&hq=nightingale lounge&hnear=0x89c2a164b2c7bc0b:0x8743868b9c34b76e,Stamford, CT&cid=0,0,14501348146566804107&ei=6pmBT7ulA8SFgwf0nZHIBw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CBYQ_BI

Minimal techno, Deep house music.

Would be cool to see some familiar faces there. I will be spinning from 8pm-12pm. There are a bunch of members already coming... thought I would make a post also. Drop by and say hi!

APRIL 11th... Thats this Wednesday.
so..even though I might not have met a lot of people in person, I can come?
Tonight!! come by for some good music and to see some familiar/non familiar faces.
Thanks for everyone who came out. A lot bigger turn out than I expected. Hope you all liked the beats!