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Recommendation for a C++ or Python beginner?

I have some experience in MATLAB and basic PowerShell scripts (working for IT industry), but I have not programmed/coded/scripted for a while. I have used Fortran in the past, but my knowledge is very limited in Fortran.

I have gone through several posts on QuantNet and came up with a list of websites.

http://www.benvanvliet.net/Downloads/CPP with Financial Applications_01_13_2011.pdf

I have no experience in financial modeling, so anything that starts from the basic is what I am looking for. If there are better resources for learning C++ or Python, please share them in your comments. Also, I am not exactly sure if I should study C++ first or Python first, so your opinion on this matter would be very helpful. I am willing to commit myself for learning new programming languages. Your feedback would be truly appreciated. Thanks.