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Columbia MSOR redirected to MSOR

I received the mail of MFE's rejection and MSOR's redirection.
To apply MSOR, I replied the mail with the comment that send me a confirmation mail if the mail is received by committee.

Is there anyone who was redirected to MSOR and got confirmation mail?
nope. someone asked, and the admissions said they would send msg after reaching next step update. sp dont worry.
I received it too but unfortunately I didn't reply. Today I received another email from MSOR that said that my application is under review but don't know more about the admission process.
I don't even have an access to the application, do you know how can I access to it?
I replied to the mail redirects me to MSOR did not have an interview but got an e-mail my application under review.
I guess I am rejected by both.