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Russian Roulette (Difficult Version)

I got this problem from Peter Winkler's Puzzle Book. I have not been able to solve it since 2 years now.

In a room stand n armed and angry people. At each chime of a clock, everyone simultaneously spins around and shoots a random other person. The persons shot fall dead and the survivors spin and shoot again at the next chime. Eventually, either everyone is dead or there is a single survivor.

As n grows, what is the limiting probabality that there will be a survivor. :)

In case it helps, some discussion about the problem on my blog: http://pratikpoddarcse.blogspot.com/2009/10/shoot-me.html


Quant/CSE Puzzle Blog: http://www.pratikpoddarcse.blogspot.com
Website: http://www.pratikpoddar.wordpress.com