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Several books about trading systems/strategies

I'm looking for my first book on trading systems/quantitative trading strategies, here are some candidates:

New Trading Systems and Methods (Wiley Trading) by Perry J. Kaufman (2005)
The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies by Jeffrey Owen Katz and Donna L. McCormick (2000)
Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians by Charles D. Kirkpatrick and Julie R. Dahlquist (2006)

Actually I find the first two books about trading systems are essentially on technical analysis, so I also include the third book, a recent highly rated technical analysis book as a candidate.

Any recommendation or suggestion?

This is also a little confusing that people have told me not to spend too much time on technical analysis. But actually most books I found on trading systems/quantitative trading stretegies are about technical analysis.
Yes I have a suggestion !
If you can try to talk to actual traders around a beer ! I learned a lot of things just hanging out with them.
Yes I have a suggestion !

If you can try to talk to actual traders around a beer ! I learned a lot of things just hanging out with them.

This's really a good suggestion. On the other hand, talking to an actual trader has no contradiction with first knowing some basics of algorithm trading from books. At least I need to know what to talk about :)


you remind me that the most important thing for entering the wall street is not reading but networking.
networking is very important..sure you should read books !! good luck