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Spring semester classes for potential MSc candidate

Hello QuantNetwork,

I hope to enroll in a Master in Financial Mathematics program in particularly Stanford's or Columbia's one. With spring selection of classes drawing near, here is what I go for classes.

I'm in my third year and done most fundamental math / Compsci classes namely, multivariable calc, analysis, algebra, algorithms and operating systems.

1. Analysis II.
2. Partial Differential Equations (more analysis style then solution finding).
3. Differential Geometry.
4. Econometrics.
5. Bayesian Statistics.

Looks good? I'm not too sure how Stanford looks at their applicants. But I thought these 'more relevant' courses are better than say Algebraic Topology, Commutative Algebra, or Complex Analysis, which I can also enroll it. Oh, Complex Analysis, I do like that!
