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Twilight's Last Gleaming

"How deep are we in the hole?" This from the chief financial officer.

"Just north of two trillion dollars."

Another silence and then the CFO turned to the man behind the big desk. "We'll have to get Washington to cover us. That's going to hurt."

"More than you know. I talked to the people in Treasury and the Fed when the markets tanked -- just in case. They said no. With the dollar in the toilet, they've got zero room for more QE, and that means no more bailouts."

"But that means --" the CFO started and then stopped.

"Yeah," said the man behind the desk. "How long have we got until the markets close?"

The COO checked his watch. "Three hours."

"Fair enough. We can get the press conference called, do the thing properly." Then, abruptly, the chief executive officer of the nation's biggest investment bank bowed his head and muttered, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

(From Greer's recent book, Twilight's Last Gleaming.)