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What is suitable study to become a quant


I am in Sixth form (Y12) in the UK . (So Grade 11 US). I study Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science

I recently learnt about this quant field and it interested me because I have always like math's, I started programming a few years ago really enjoy it and I recently started learning to trade which has exposed me to the financial markets and basic economics which I find interesting. So now I'm thinking a job in the quant sector would be amazing.

It is around the time now in the UK where we are being told to think about University and our careers so I would like some advice on what I should study.

I am also interested in electronic engineering in like robotics and devices

I have found different courses which I would be happy to study but none of them really have all of my interests because I would like to keep my options open.

These are links to some of the courses: electronic and electrical engineering, computing with finance and management, electronic and information engineering.


1. Is it best to study a degree with 1 job sector or career in mind or is me trying to keep my options open a good idea?
2. Can I get into the quant sector by doing engineering degrees like I have linked above and then doing a financial engineering masters?
3. What are the best courses I can study to get into the quant sector?

Thank you! :)
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Hi! As a year 7 student who is also interested in quant finance, I will help answer your question bruv.

1. I think that you should get a degree that will give a you a broad scope of job prospects. A few examples are MATHEMATICS/APPLIED MATHEMATICS or COMPUTER SCIENCE or AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING/PHYSICS. Trust me, if you get a finance or business degree, most likely you will end up working in sales or something.

AS long as you can code in PYTHON/C/C++ AND do complex math (statistics, probability, CALCULUS, linear algebra) AND have a knowledge of financial terms and concepts( (portfolio management, risk, stocks etc), THEN YOU WILL BE FINE. (PS you have to be expert at math and have a GPA > 3.5)

2. As long as you can do advanced calculus, algebra and statistics, then it is fine. I dont think you should study electronic and information engineering or electrical engineering for a quant role. You could study them but you will end up working in the tech support/IT industry. So stick with a degree that places emphasis on MATH.

3. You will need a PhD or Masters. SO here are some combos:

B.S in Computer Science and Math (Double Major) + PhD in Math/CS/Applied Math/Applied Stats

B.S in Physics/Aerospace Engineering (Either one) + PhD in Physics/Applied Math/Stats

B.S in Statistics/Applied Math (Either one) + MFE/M.Sc in Applied Stats or/and PhD in Stats/Applied Stats/Applied Math

Try NOT to do:

B.S in Accounting, finance, business, humanities. (My mom works at Virtu Financial and from the list of applicants, THE FIRST THING THEY DO IS STRIKE OFF ALL THE BUSINESS, FINANCE, ACCOUNTING ETC MAJORS!)

Remember to get a hard science dgeree (math, physics etc), and learn C++, C, SQL, R or Python. Also try to get at least a Masters or PhD.


(Fyi I am planning to do B.S in Physics and Stats + PhD in Physics)