Recent content by Daniel Duffy

  1. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Thank you. Memory stuff is the next target.
  2. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Some generic classes and traits (using parametric polymorphism). struct Point<X, Y> { x: X, y: Y, } // Method definitions impl<X,Y> Point<X,Y> { fn x(&self) -> &X { &self.x } } impl<X,Y> Point<X,Y> { fn y(&self) -> &Y { &self.y } } // Traits...
  3. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Nah, click "Watch on You Tube"
  4. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    C++20 versus Rust Good examples Now we agree ... C++ Concepts == Rust traits!!!
  5. Daniel Duffy

    Advice for Older Software Developer

    Knowing maths is obviously an advantage https://www.datasim.nl/onlinecourses
  6. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Depends. I knew C++20 so going to Rust was easyish. I suppose you can learn Rust before C++. I never went down that road.
  7. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Why not just learn Rust _and_ C++? Your post is a bit ambiguous, it is not precise. C++ Concepts were based on Haskell TYPECLASSES. But who cares now, it works. I know C++ Concepts and it then took me a day or so to learn Rust traits.. It takes 15 years before a technology becomes accepted.
  8. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Maybe they got into the wrong company when they were younger.
  9. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Hoare described Rust as targeted at "frustrated C++ developers"
  10. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Nope. Correlation is not causation! I spent the last 2 weeks experimenting with Rust code and benchmarking with C++ (BTW I was the 1st C++ programmer in the Netherlands in 1990 and I originated the QN C++ courses). summary: Rust is rather incomplete compared to C++, a kind of carbon copy of...
  11. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    A safe pair of hands. // unsafe code 101 unsafe fn dangerous() {} unsafe { dangerous(); } // unsafe code, raw ptr and dereferencing let mut num = 5; let r1 = &num as *const i32; let r2 = &mut num as *mut i32; //println!("r1 is: {}", *r1); unsafe {...
  12. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” Mark Twain A little learning is a dangerous thing ; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring ...
  13. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    Indeed; that's the 64 million dollar question!
  14. Daniel Duffy

    C++ vs Rust

    In cause some people missed this quote This is a symptom of a larger immaturity in the crypto space. Crypto is replete with recent students who chase after buzzwords and new fads but can't see the forest from the trees. They don't understand the pitfalls of experimenting with a new technology...
  15. Daniel Duffy

    What's the Future of Programming Languages in AI and Quantitative Finance?

    Thanks good concrete information. Thanks.