Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Really enjoy the course and amazing journey
It's an amazing journey to study this course with all the interesting knowledge and practical exercises. I found this course with the recommendation of professor Dan. And I really enjoy learning this course with the community and forum of Quantnet.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Learn modern C++ in a structured way.
I think it did a pretty good job covering all the important things C++17 to C++20, and most of the basic building blocks of all applications. Overall I'm very happy, thank you.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
C++ for Baruch MFE
I'm preparing for the Baruch MFE application and this course is suggested. The course contents definitely require previous knowledge of C/C++ and the homework are well designed. I now have a better understanding not just in the new features but also basic logics in C++. Great course indeed and will review the course later.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Incredibly comprehensive and can elevate your skills to the next level.
This course is quite challenging, with a lot of homework and quizzes. Thankfully, the TA is responsive, and you can post your questions on the forum where many questions have been discussed before. Despite having graduated two years ago, I enrolled to boost my C++ proficiency due to our new projects involving C++ code changes. A friend who was a student in this program years ago recommended it to me. I'd definitely suggest this course to individuals seeking an in-depth exploration of C++. It's incredibly comprehensive and can elevate your skills to the next level.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Reviewed by Verified Member
THE premier course in developing expertise in both C++ and finance
This course is THE premier course for anyone interested in developing expertise in both C++ and finance - There's no other course that even comes close (not even ones offered in university). Moreover, Avi and the team are the most helpful people you'll ever find.

I took this course to advance my career as an algo developer. Unlike most who take this course, I am not on an MFE path. Instead, I have a Computer Science degree and specialize in trading systems and algo development. Effectively, I partner with PMs and Quant Researchers to implement the signals and strategies they discover. In particular, I focus on low-latency systems and, as a result, advanced knowledge of C++ is critical. Fortunately, there are many facets of this course that directly benefit my day-to-day work. Moreover, the advanced knowledge of these concepts/techniques will help separate me from my teammates and set me up for promotions. Some of the most useful sections in this course are multi-threading, functional programming, concepts, and variadic template metaprogramming, all of which I use on a daily basis to excel in my career.

Thank you for the providing this course and for always being incredibly helpful throughout the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Recommend this course to all students currently in an MFE program
My experience is a bit different than other certificate takers. Usually people taking this advanced certification are either planning to get into an MFE or working in industry, whereas in my case I'm a student currently completing an MFE. I would recommend this course to all students currently in an MFE program that is deficient in programming/software engineering courses, and would like to plug that hole with a robust advanced certificate that covers many of the expected CS knowledge to compete for QuantDev positions. I am really pleased with how comprehensive this course was and I can truly attest that it has taken my C++ and software engineering skills to a much, much higher level.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
If you are looking to expand your C++ knowledge I'd recommend the course.
Comments on the time commitment of the course:
This was something I looked for when starting the course, so I figured I'd give my two cents. This course was a massive undertaking. It felt like at least twice the amount of work as the first C++ course (even without the module 8 project). The exercises are more numerous and more disjoint than the first course where many of the modules built upon previous content (for example, building out the Shape hierarchy).

Comments on the content:
The content was interesting and I definitely feel like my C++ knowledge was taken to the next level. I do feel as though some of the modules were a bit bloated with exercises and the overall pacing of the course wasn't quite as smooth as the first course (this may be more of a comment on how much I enjoyed the first course). In my opinion, the beginning and ending portions of the course were the most useful -- STL algorithms and multithreading to start, and GoF design patterns at the end. Some of the middle sections were a bit more niche (for example regex) and left less time to sink into modules 7 and 8.

Overall, if you have the time and are looking to expand your C++ knowledge I'd recommend the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Will definitely help with job hunting
Overall I think this advanced course much more difficult and general than the fundamental one. But it’s really useful and it gives me a lot of chances to learn how we can improve the design and performance by using the new features.
Of course, there is no doubt that the TA is very responsible. Thanks a lot for Daniel’s class and APalley’s guidance. I think this course will help me do better in job hunting.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Great course!
I loved the course content, and the homeworks and I appreciate the efforts taken by TAs and Dr Duffy in answering our questions as well as designing the course content.

That said there is room for improvement in terms of giving more practical homework problems which would also focus on efficiency and speed of the code as that is a differentiator amongst C++ programmers in financial firms
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Becoming a serious C++ programmer
It is an amazing course that prepares me become a serious C++ programmer! I learnt a lot of new and useful C++ language features, which will be instrumental to my future study and career. Tons of homework assignments are really interesting and intellectual-stimulating. TA is good and responsive as always.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
From C++ junior to a veteran programmer
The course is challenging for me whose ""mother tongue"" programming language is not C++. I was familiar with Python but only have limited knowledge (i.e. only know the basic syntax) about C++ prior to the course, so I felt the pace was quite fast in the beginning. However, as I got more familiar with C++, my pace also got faster: I really enjoy exploring the interesting fields in C++ and am greatly fascinated by the new features of C++.

In the first chapters, the homework lead us to get familiar with C++ features and libraries in an intensive manner. Although the homework brings lots of challenges, it leads us to master those features quite quickly. In the last chapters (6,7,8) of the course, I move from finishing the tasks given by clear instructions to designing small programs (systems) by myself. In the last chapter, I designed a whole project on options pricing which wraps up all the stuff learned in this course. In this process, I feel my understanding and practice with C++ have moved to higher levels.

On the whole, I'm really grateful for this course, which turns me from a C++ junior to a veteran (although more practice is needed).

Found the course: a prerequisite for incoming Baruch MFE students. Also, as I'm eagerly hoping for expand my coding experiences, I registered the course without hesitation.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Difficult but you will not be alone. Worth it!
This course, consistent with its name, is advanced and difficult. If you have just finished the basic Quantnet C++ course and have no other C++ experience, just like I did when I started the course, you are bound to struggle. Fortunately, we are not alone. Past students ran into the same problems as we inevitably do, and their posts on the forum will help us deal with the problems. Even if we wade into uncharted waters, Dr. Duffy and the passionate TAs are always ready to help. This course prepares me well for using C++ at work, with the right coding knowledge and, perhaps more importantly, how to learn from other fellow programmers on things I cannot figure out alone.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
If you are serious, take it.
It is an amazing course for all aspiring developers. It prepares you become a serious C++ programmer. It has tons of information and many resources are cited for further study.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Hardcore but highly recommended!
The course is really hardcore and it meets, if not exceeds, my original expectations. I believe I would recommend it to any friend who works in the field of quantitative finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Most rigorous course. My skills are now on another level.
This course is definitely worth taking. It is the most rigorous and challenging programming course I've ever taken after the C++ for Financial Engineering course, but it has brought my programming skills to another level. The course not only goes into details on C++ 11/14 syntax, but also teaches many useful applications like multithreading and many design models that can be applied to any language.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Nice course. High quality TA!
It is really a nice course, the content of the course meets my expectations. TA is very responsible, and able to give the high-quality feedbacks. Definitely recommend.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Lambda, Multi threading, design pattern
It was excellent course for me to learn. I have gained substantial understanding in TMP, lambda usage, multi threading , and several design pattern implementation.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Homework is the most valuable part!
I think the most valuable part of this course is the homework. After all, practice is the best way to improve programming skills.

I haven't used C++ for a long time, and my original goal is to be familiar with C++ again and learn more advanced knowledge. It turned out that this course meets my goal!
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Amazing experience with all the TA help!
I've learned a lot through this course. At the very beginning, I was worried about whether I can handle this course. But with all practical materials and exercises, gradually, I found myself more skilled in C++ programming, especially in system design. Avi and GONG CHEN's help was amazing!
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Highly recommend!
The course was extremely well done and it really did help me learn the advanced features of C++! I highly recommend it for MFE applicants!
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend