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Toronto MathFin
Full time
Phone interview : basic questions, why MFE, why this school ? what is your programming background, etc..

Profile :
Mechanical Engineering :Ecole Polytechnique Montreal
I've also decided to take some finance classes @ HEC Montreal
Undergrad GPA : 3.93/4
GRE : 780Q, 320V, 4/6 A
Math Classes : 2 multivariable calcl , 1 linear algebrea, 1 statistics, 1 numerical analysis, 1 Diff Eq (w/ a portion about PDEs)
Econ classes : none
Fin classes : General Finance @ HEC Montreal
Programming Classes : Matlab , C++
Letters of recommendation : 2 teachers from school (One of them has been nominated for best scientific achievement in Quebec). Other teacher works in the development of Finite Elements Models. Third letter is from my internship supervisor from this summer.
Research exp : I've got one NSERC scholardship (counts as an internship) since the work was done for a company. I've also got a second research project done with one of the teacher that made me a letter or recommendation. No papers published.
Work exp : two internships , one was to model thermal expansion of a radial seal in a turbofan (NSERC scholarship)
other was towards developping automated KPIs. (VBA/C++)
Teaching Aid in a MATLAB computer programming class. (been doing this for a year noew)
Extracurricular : winner of an international contest in sustainable dev. (L'Oréal Ingenius)
economic mission in russia
Scholarships : 5 so far.