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Programmers humor and jokes thread

I'll start.
C++ jokes.jpeg
“There’s three engineers and a computer scientist who are taking a ride down the road in a car and the car breaks down, and the…, uh, the mechanical engineer says, ‘well, you know, it’s, um, probably something in the drivetrain; we’re gonna have to take the…, drop the transmission out and figure out, you know, there’s probably some, you know, some broken gear or something and we gotta fix that,’ and the electrical engineer says, ‘nah, I think it’s probably in the ignition, you know, we’re gonna have to get in there and figure we’ve got a bad spark plug wire or something like that. We fix that and it could be right as rain and we’ll be back on the road. The chemical engineer says, ‘nah, no, I think it’s in the carburetion. Um, you know, that somehow the air-fuel mixture isn’t right and the fuel’s not getting where it needs to go and that’s undoubtedly the problem.’ And the computer scientist says, ‘we could just try all getting out and getting back in again.'”