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Imperial MathFin Imperial College MathFin - 12 months disadvantageous?


I am a Maths undergraduate at Imperial and I have received an offer for the Maths and Finance MSc (also at Imperial).

Now there are two things that I am worried about, and perhaps somebody could give me some insight:
1. The MSc is a 12 months course (September to September). So I checked the websites of most major banks and it seems that grad schemes (as well as all summer internships) start in July/August. Since the MSc timeline clearly conflicts with the timeline of those banks I am concerned whether I will be able to start a job after my graduation? Would I have to wait for a year? Or are there other sensible opportunities which I have missed? This brings me to my 2nd point:
2. Imperial intends to provide an industrial placement over the summer "in association with a bank, finance house, hedge fund, consultancy, or systems provider in the finance industry". But I am unsure whether this is in fact a decent placement (given that Imperial actually provides a placement for every student) or just a marketing scheme.

I would be grateful for any kind of help. :)