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Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

Come on, isn't anybody here into Gordon Gekko :P

I'm just afraid I'll be disappointed :-ss
Come on, isn't anybody here into Gordon Gekko?

Sure, but I don't think we're going to see the GG we will have to shell out good money for: an unrepentant predator who hasn't learnt a thing from his 20-year stint in prison. The original Wall Street was also disappointing -- essentially a morality tale where those breaking the rules go behind bars. Gimme a break.
"It seemed as if an older, tired Oliver Stone wasn't really interested in, you know, Wall Street and greed. He was interested in the clothing. The only scene he did with interest, it seemed to me, was when Michael Douglas gets a new wardrobe."

"But it's utterly…It's like a schoolboy who just can't resist telling a fart joke."

Alternate possible titles for the movie--
Wall Street: Michael Kors Never Sleeps
Wall Street: Pull My Finger

Will not be watching, thanks.
I looked at it's rotten tomatoes score; of course it is lower than the first one, but it is still respectable for a sequel. I'm not sure I'll be watching this in theaters though.
Was it bad compared to the first one, or just plain bad? And why?

It was just 'plain bad'. The plot was horrible, the story line was garbage, and the references to real-life events was almost comical. It was so bad that it was almost a comedy.