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How to verify your QuantNet account

To all QuantNet fellows,
Per popular request, we have been working on a way to allow members to remain anonymous (if they prefer) on QuantNet but still show their trustworthiness. The benefits are increasingly more important as discussed here.
This step is purely optional but as a verified member on QuantNet, you will have a badge attached to your username. Overtime, we will work to highlight contents from such members in relevant area such as program reviews.
For the time being, you will need to have your LinkedIn profile verified and link to your account here.

Here is the link to request the verified badge

badge request.png

PS. If there is anything we can improve to make this process smoother, please let us know.
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We have built the request to verified badge in house.
You can use this link to request your badge. It can be accessed directly by clicking on your username and go there like in this picture.

badge request.png

1) If LinkedIn verified status is not available in your country, you can upload your ID to verify as well.
2) If you already received the verified badge, please still submit this so we can have everything here. We can remove the data that you submitted previously. Also this allows us to debug any issue we can run into.