• View the 2024 QuantNet ranking of the Best UK Quant MSc Programs.

  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
    Ideal for entry level positions interviews and graduate studies, specializing in options trading arbitrage and options valuation models. Learn more Join!

COMPARE MS in CS vs MFE for buy side quant roles

Hi all, I have an admit from NYU Courant (Fall 2024) for their MS in CS program. If I join I will tailor my degree to focus on Machine Learning. I will take CS courses on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Bayesian Machine Learning.
I can also take courses from their quant finance program as electives. These include Time Series Analysis & Statistical Arbitrage and Algorithmic Trading & Quantitative Strategies.

If I don't attent Courant, I'll try for UC Berkeley's MFE program for a March 2025 entry. But I see most MFE grads end up as quants on the sell side. I would like to stay in tech instead of sell side quant. So that's a con of MFE for me.

Which degree gives me a better shot at quant researcher roles at buy side trading firms?

Courant MS CS pros
  1. Curriculum will be better aligned with what's needed for buy side quant roles.
  2. New York so looking for buy side quant jobs would be easier.
  3. I have an admit in hand.
Courant MS CS cons
  1. Although the curriculum suits buy side quant roles and Courant is known for Mathematics, I don't see people from this program working as quant researchers at buy side trading firms. Mostly, graduates are working as quant developers in finance firms or software engineers at tech firms. Makes me wonder if buy side quant firms look unfavourably upon Courant MS CS grads.
  2. Very expensive. Cost of attendance (including everything like tuition, accomodation, living expenses etc.) is 150k according to the program's website. Plus this is a 2 year program so I'll be losing 2 years of income.
My background (if it helps in addressing my query):
5 years of experience in India => 2.5 years at a top investment bank as an interest rates quant + 2.5 years at FAANG as a backend developer with projects spanning recommendation algorithms and LLMs (current role).
Old IIT non-CS, non-Electrical major with a 7.3/10 GPA.
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