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Is the programming language Rust just "new wine into old wineskins"? Discuss

Good couple of posts!

Taking a contrarian viewpoint again, what's the point of Rust wrappers for Tensorflow etc. when we alreay have them in Python?

On a follow-on, I would hope that function signatures/calls for Rust-TensorFlow are exactly the same as with Python. Otherwise, a new learning curve to learn a new interface.

A good example is how C# talks to C++/CLI.
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Interop is probably feasible because you can do unsafe feature just like C# in Rust.

as long as you can generate the dll with the func signatures i don't think there is any problem with it.

but sitll my main beef is actually on the linguistic level of Rust. Rust sux in terms of "dynamic" typing and referencing.
Not super widely yet; at least a few “new” hft firms (mostly within crypto or digital assets from what I can tell) that are writing their infrastructure are using rust based on recruiter LinkedIn postings, but most of the “well known” names already have existing infrastructure in c++ that doesn’t make sense to port to rust.

If you’ve got existing C++ infrastructure that’s been battle hardened over the years, rust isn’t worth it
On a possibly analogous historical precedent: in the 80s C++ emerged and it could compile C code. Saved new investments.
On migration, C developers created structs + pointers to them. Later they became OO classes etc.

The chances of porting C++ libraries to Rust is well nigh impossible for technical and business reasons, I suspect.
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