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learning curve

Hi. First of all thank you very to the QuantNet team for their great website, and the unique C++ Course section.

The average attempts before passing the tests closing each level seem quite high to me. I am curious to know what does the distribution of attempts looks like.

What is the expected shape of the learning curve at learning C++ using the material on Quantnet? And, what level of difficulty represent Level 10?

Hi edouard,

Welcome to Quantnet! The quizzes do not affect our marks so it's more of a concept checker than an actual test. Also, the passing mark is 8/10 which wasn't easy for me since the materials were new for me.

My attempts were generally 6-7/10 on first try, and then similar or passing marks on the 2nd/3rd tries. Questions do repeat ;)... but once again the purpose is to consolidate the content you learned instead of making you sweat.
I'll just add to what Jeffrey said that the quizzes are taken by many members who are not enrolled in the course who may not benefit from the reading materials as well as doing HW so the attempts may skew upward.
What is the expected shape of the learning curve at learning C++ using the material on Quantnet? And, what level of difficulty represent Level 10?
Level 6 and 9 are the hardest. Level 10 is only the final exam with the quiz 10 being accumulative materials of previous 9 levels.