2024 UK Quant Programs Rankings Methodology

22 quantitative finance master programs in the UK were surveyed from February to March 2024 on admission, placement, and career services information.

Peer Assessment Score (25%)

Each program was asked to rate all programs in this year ranking from 1 (marginal) to 5 (exceptional).

Placement Success (50%)

  • Employment Rate at Graduation (10%)
  • This is the employment rate for the latest FT graduate cohort at their graduation.
  • Employment Rate Three Months after Graduation (15%)
  • This is the employment rate for the latest FT graduate cohort 3-month after their graduation.
  • Average Starting Salary (25%)
  • The average starting salary of the most recent FT graduate cohort.

Student selectivity (25%)

  • Acceptance Rate (12.5%)
  • This is the percent of FT applicants to the program who were accepted.
  • Yield rate (12.5%)
  • This is the percentage of accepted students who enroll in the program.

Overall score

A score for each program is accumulated from the points in each category multiplied by the category's assigned weighted average. The final scores were rounded to the nearest integer. A tie is determined if any two or more programs have the same final score and tied programs are listed alphabetically.

Programs that did not provide placement data or salary information meeting a minimum threshold were not ranked, denoted as (NR) and listed alphabetically.

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