Recent content by Bachelier

  1. C++ prerequisites

    Thank you Daniel.
  2. C++ prerequisites

    Thank you guys. Some schools like UCLA just offer the course right of the bat: no prerequisites needed. I think once you start getting at the Junior College level, Admin folks just get worried because of the puny level of students' unpreparedness and commitment. I am going forward with my plan...
  3. C++ prerequisites

    Hey thanks guys. here's the book we'll be using: http://www.amazon.com/Absolute-C-4th-Walter-Savitch/dp/0136083811/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267260901&sr=8-1 I think I will just push myself and learn OOP via that book OOP Demystified. I don't have a syllabus for the course about...
  4. C++ prerequisites

    I need some help please. I have no programming experience besides playing with HTML and CSS as a hobby before. My college is offering a C++ programming class this summer. (it has a prerequisite class: Object-Oriented Programming, which is mainly about Java) I am thinking about skipping it and...
  5. What kind of PhD are we talking about here?

    Is it a Finance PhD? Econ? Business? http://www.quantnet.com/wiki/PhD Thanks
  6. With Finance Disgraced, Which Career Will Be King?

    IlyaKEightSix, Did you read my question earlier? I was looking for the web address to your blog? thanks
  7. With Finance Disgraced, Which Career Will Be King?

    Ilya, where can I find your blog?