Recent content by birdCatcher

  1. birdCatcher

    When China rules the world

    India probably has better chances than china.
  2. birdCatcher

    GS trading source code stolen

    I was curious to know - what do people think about following a career path similar to that of Serge's if the aim is to get into algotrading in N years time? Ofcourse this is assuming that one actually has the opportunities to branch out into very similar engineering jobs to start with. Is the...
  3. birdCatcher

    Study: cleaners worth more to society than bankers
  4. birdCatcher

    The Long, Flat, Seemingly Endless Bataan Death March To Version 3 of the Quant Careers Guide

    Dominic, specifically what kind of info are you looking to put under the AlgoTrading part?
  5. birdCatcher

    Change is in the air for financial superclass

    The title of this thread hits the nail squarely on the head. To complement the other two articles: Investment Banks Shuffle Senior Rainmakers To Asia
  6. birdCatcher

    Change is in the air for financial superclass

    For Wall Street Workers, Ax Falls Quietly
  7. birdCatcher

    Interview with Dominic Connor

    There is indeed an oversupply of the talent you refer to - typically those with excellent math+programming skills. But bear in mind there is still an acute shortage of people who can apply these skills to generate profit, which is essentially the whole point of financial engineering.
  8. birdCatcher

    Literature on algorithmic trading

    You might also want to have a look at this: The Algorithmic Trading Podcast