Recent content by chao zhong

  1. C

    Hope as a prospective quant?

    How about take some courses in stat? They can't be difficult since you know measure theoretic probability. (This is only in regard to your question on improving stat, and I have no idea about improving the chance of getting a quant job...)
  2. C

    PhD and MFE candidate

    PhD and MFE candidate
  3. C

    question on "being over educated"

    I wondered from program to program for 10 years, living on the stipend. I have three masters' degrees, worked on two phd degrees (at the same time) and eventually quit one phd. Now I am working on both the phd in math and the MFE. If I drop everything before 2005 the time line looks a little bit...
  4. C

    question on "being over educated"

    Hi all, This is my first post. I have been in several PhD and MS programs and the time line is kind of chaotic. My question is that in the education section of my resume, do I have to include all those programs? Can I just put the most recent and important ones, namely, PhD in mathematics and...
  5. C

    New Quantnet members say hi

    hi all It's nice to see so many nice people here. I am in my last year of PHD in discrete mathematics, doing coding theory. No, my school is not a top one, and yeah, I panic for the job hunting. I took classes in graph theory, group theory, design theory, combinatorics, coding theory...
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