Recent content by DATAfiend

  1. DATAfiend

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    Try the OREILLY series. They offer a C++ cert, but it's only one course. I am looking at taking the DBA cert series, prolly this summer.
  2. DATAfiend

    Databases and SQL- where to start?

    alain, this book is fun!
  3. DATAfiend

    An outsider looks at the world of derivatives

    "Monsters in the Market" I thought I'd put this link up. http:// An insightful and rigorous exam of the "flash crash"? Or a glossed over facile attempt to make a "boogey man" out of technological progress? A penny...
  4. DATAfiend

    Various Compilers

    bloodshed Funny you should mention...I looked on the site recently and it has been taken down. I guess the MSVS platform is the way to go... I always dreaded MS...
  5. DATAfiend

    Various Compilers

    Hey all, I am just wondering if there are advantages/drawbacks to using Bloodshed compiler vs. MSVS compiler. I am trying to get back into the programming arena, but it seems as if everyone on this site prefers the MS Visual Studio package. I want to get into the Quant field, however...