Recent content by e.kosygina

  1. e.kosygina

    Baruch MFE I have a question for Baruch MFE program students,

    I think that the students I mentioned above obtained a permission from our chair, Prof. Gordon. Actuarial science majors need that class, and we do not offer it this year. Ours (MTH 4125) is a 4-hour course, at Hunter it is a 3-hour course. I saw a syllabus. They were going to use Sheldon Ross's...
  2. e.kosygina

    Baruch MFE I have a question for Baruch MFE program students,

    Hunter College is offering Stochastic Processes in the Spring 2010 (STAT 312). I know 2 Baruch students who are going to take it. As Eugene said, you can not take this class: it has MTH 9831 (Real Analysis and Probability) as a prerequisite. But it is good to take undergraduate probability and...
  3. e.kosygina

    Baruch MFE Hey, can you please help me decide between two undergrad MFin courses?

    There are several things to consider about MTH 4500. (1) It is listed as full, so it may not be possible to get in. (2) The course description is long outdated: in the Spring 2010 Prof. Zamfirescu will use the textbook...
  4. e.kosygina

    Stochastic Process book

    When you take a course taught by Durrett, the textbook should not matter. What really matters is to try to get most out of his lectures. Don't look for the solution manual (I do not know if there is one). If you have questions, go to your TA or Durrett (he is a very good person) and, most...
  5. e.kosygina

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Many thanks to all! Good luck! But, first of all, have a great summer!
  6. e.kosygina

    Congratulations Jake and Sarah

    Congratulations! All the best and have a great summer!
  7. e.kosygina


    Why do not you first try to use my office hours? It is free :).
  8. e.kosygina

    Congratulations Alain and Wendy!!!!

    Congratulations! And the very best wishes.
  9. e.kosygina

    Update your Miktex software to 2.5 NOW

    Editor Many thanks for the links. Next time I get to Baruch and have some time on my hands I shall try to do it. I am tired of ssh-ing to get every tex document and to do every every correction. Thanks again.
  10. e.kosygina

    Update your Miktex software to 2.5 NOW

    Editor Thank you. I love Emacs , it is my editor of choice at home (Debian Linux). But it might be a pain to get it fully functional under Windows, since I would also want AucTeX. I shall try your suggestion.
  11. e.kosygina

    Update your Miktex software to 2.5 NOW

    Editor Thank you
  12. e.kosygina

    Update your Miktex software to 2.5 NOW

    Editor Andy, what editor do you use when you work with latex? I would like to be able to use latex while in my office (Windows), and the last time I tried WinEd + miktex I did not like it.