Recent content by holbond

  1. holbond

    Model validation vs market risk

    Thank you guys for your replies :) I think l take the role. I l figure out a way for the trading thing :P
  2. holbond

    Model validation vs market risk

    Thank you ken :)
  3. holbond

    Model validation vs market risk

    I told the interviewer I do option trading as a hobby. He did not say anything like u cannot do trading here etc. Even if they prohibit trading I can trade in my friend's account. I hope they are OK with this atleast
  4. holbond

    Model validation vs market risk

    Hi guys, I am a recent MFE graduate. I started as a model validation analyst in big4. I validated so far retail models for an investment bank for ccar submission. Mostly regression models. I recently got a job offer from an invesetment bank as market risk associate. Involves CVA...
  5. holbond

    BIG4 Energy instruments Valuation career path

    Hi Guys, I want to know the career path for Financial instrument valuation in BIG 4 (mostly pricing energy options , forwards and futures) . I find the role very obvious . The only interesting part is you will know how to read an energy contract and get some information on...
  6. holbond

    Heding foreign stocks with futures. the return ?

    I am a euro guy and wants to invest in a us stock. I want to hedge it through curerncy futures. can you tell me what is teh hedged return and unhedged return ? let us assume S(t-1) is the stock price in dollars at time t-1 . r(t-1) is the dollar-euro spot rate . and f(t-1) is the dollar-euro...
  7. holbond

    book for Risk Interview questions

    Hi thank you :) the regualtory stuff seems be too many documents . What I meant though was like any book like "Quant interview questions by MArk Joshi " for risk interviews ?? heard on the street has some risk questions but is there any better book specially for risk interview questions .
  8. holbond

    book for Risk Interview questions

    Hi Guys Does anybody know a good book for preparing for the risk management interviews ? All the interview books mentioned in the suggested list seem to cover option pricing but not risk management .
  9. holbond

    Interview question

    oh.. thank u :)
  10. holbond

    Interview question

    You have an equally weighted portfolio composed of 2 managers; one has 20% volatility, the other 30%. They have a 40% correlation. What is the volatility of the portfolio, using standard assumptions? Give one reason why these standard assumptions can be discussed. Can u please tell me what are...
  11. holbond

    morgan stanley strats intern london

    lol .. i have been doing that all year.. any tips on how to prepare for it ? like wud they ask lot of programming questions and lot of stochastic calculus questions etc . ?
  12. holbond

    morgan stanley strats intern london

    * only interview
  13. holbond

    morgan stanley strats intern london

    Hi Guys I am having an interview this week with MS starts and modeling team . Can you please tell me what type of questions can I expect and where to prepare from ? This seems to be the interview I could land ..
  14. holbond

    COMPARE Deciding between Carnegie Mellon+30000 and Georgia Tech (no money)

    just curious.. which dept did u choose as home unit? also u r frm which country?
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