Recent content by JBernier

  1. Worth it to get MFE at tier 2+ school w/o work experience?

    Ok I should have clarified, it's not just about the money. I want a job related to my broad interests that is mentally stimulating. The thing is, I'm not really passionate about anything in particular. All I know is that I like math and don't mind programming. Well ok I like programming but I...
  2. Worth it to get MFE at tier 2+ school w/o work experience?

    Is it worth it to get an MFE at a non-tier 1 school straight out of undergrad if you have no prior (relevant) work experience, aren't well connected, and aren't some kind of rare genius? I want to be a quant, but I realize that it's a competitive field. I'm currently a junior majoring in math...