Recent content by lonely

  1. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion mean you paid tution for semester or just the token fee..if you already have funding arranged you might go for I 20 takes just week..and another 3-4 days for VISA..
  2. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    congrats, I dont think they give aid to anyone....but you have to rush if you are international student..
  3. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    ok, it has first orientation on 26th aug and classes start from 3rd sep. so there is still time
  4. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Swarna I think they gave most of the admits around May end and June, so I am not sure whether that would have changed that much, but may be submitting very early on(Dec 12 or Jan 13) might have made difference. I am not sure how many other candidates are on waitlist, but if its just 1-2 then...
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Hi guys, Although, I posted earlier also, but just wanna get in touch with guys who are going for MAFN from India. Please contact me at thanks
  6. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    kumarab thanks, yes I am also going, so just wanna come in touch with guys who are going from India
  7. L

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Any one here going for Columbia MAFN fall 2013 from India?
  8. L

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    I think if program has good list of maths courses (which it has)coupled one good course on derivative pricing, rest of them 1.5 credit should fine.
  9. L

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron, Your Rutger program does not seem as comprehensive as Poly's program from Quantitative finance perspective otherwise Rutget as University is not bad as such. Their other two program's seem more appropriate. Poly's program looks good curriculum wise but I am not aware of the quality...
  10. L

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron that's a good news, I thought it was 200+ seeing quantnet info. But for job search you will be own your own, positive side is that you will be based in New York so you can network and interview a lot, that helps big time
  11. L

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    @aaron, I thought this program is 3 semester long, between how much poly degree cost?Getting rid of Polytechnic Institute would be great actually. Now looking at your list Poly seem better option among others, but I heard it also has very large class size, plus most of the students are from...
  12. L

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    Did not really want to enter into it. But Joy Patahak is 100% right. People who gets into IBD after undergrad goes to their analyst program, which eventually require MBA if you want to move up the ladder. On the other hand in Sales/Trading positions, you can get into them after undergrad from...
  13. L

    This must be a record year for MFE applications

    I think another factor could be that many people stay put for last couple of year so did not take chance as in many cases they had to take lot of loan(Indian & Chinese)and saw their saw of getting a job very bleak due to terrible economic environment or in some cases they did not want to leave...
  14. L

    COMPARE Georgia Tech vs Stanford Masters in Engineering- Which one will open more doors in Finance?

    you could be a good candidate for Sales&Trading roles even now right after your undergrad...try networking now with your alumni or contacts :)
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