Recent content by new

  1. Assessing personal risk in regulatory compliance breaches

    How do you assess your own legal risk in bank-wide compliance breaches? Much of this is grey area and is beyond the scope of most lawyers. What group or unit would you typically turn to?
  2. Volunteering your tech/math/teaching skills?

    This is a probably a funny question to post on this site but I've started looking at doing a bit of volunteering in my free time away from the office. I began to think about what would be the "best" way to do this as a person with a PhD and the usual range of quant geek skills. Teaching/tutoring...
  3. Strat as entry point for PhD

    I have a good sense of what the strat positions at GS entails but how is it viewed as an entry point into finance as compared to other positions with more fundamental (i.e. lower-level) modeling and C++ development? From what I have gathered, the strat positions are interesting, intense and...